Item Catalog

An item catalog group is a standard set of descriptive elements to which you assign items. Examples of catalog descriptive elements are color, shape, length, and so on.  For example, a textile manufacturer might define pattern attributes such as color, size, texture, and style.

Usage: An electronics company (say Samsung) can use the catalog to incorporate length, breadth and height of each mobile it produces. As the company Samsung also produces other electronics products such as TV, Refrigerator and etc. We should first create an item category as mobile and then create a catalog group as mobile-catalog with three catalogs length-breadth and height.
Defining and Using Item Catalogs
Follow these steps to define and use item catalogs:
1 Define the item catalog group.

2 Define descriptive elements within each catalog group.

3 Enter categories for the catalog groups.
Items belonging to the above category are attached with the descriptive element of the catalog.

4 Enter descriptive element values for each item.

5 Update item descriptions with catalog group and descriptive element values.
6 Search for items using descriptive elements as the search criteria.

Seraching all the items with bredth 20.

Difference between catalog and category

A list or itemized display usually including descriptive information or illustrations
Item Category to defined Logical grouping of items with similar characteristics
Item catalog information is created & maintained at the Master level & not the Org level i.e. control at Master level only
Maintained at both Org & IMO level i.e. control at IMO and Org
Non Validation field, when validation of element thro' custom form
It is Validation Field, with help of flex field value set
You can update the description of an item at any time with the values of the descriptive elements
Description updation not possible
Catalog item can search for items by their description & Catalog Group element value
Item can search based on item description, Category set & category name
only one catalog group assigned to the item at master level
multiple category set assigned for single item at org level &master level based on Req.
Item catalog 'N' number of element can create i.e. huge number of data can recording
category limited nos of element only create in Flex field i.e. Limited no of data only recording
There is no interface for uploading catalog data
category assigned to the item with help of interface also
Catalog not used in MRP
Category used for MRP

Great work!!! Rajaguru

Great work!!! Rajaguru

Though I had worked extensively on both catalog and category, never thought about all these finer differences esp the validation one
Thanks again

Excellent Information

Excellent Information for the setups etc...

Thanks a lot...